Scientists Declare: Animals Are as Aware as Humans
Scientists Declare: Animals Are as Aware as Humans Recently an international group of prominent scientists have signed The Cambridge Declaration on Consciousness. This declaration proclaims their support for the idea that animals are conscious and aware to the degree that humans are. The list of animals includes all mammals, birds, and even the…
Wag This Way: Left or Right Offers Insight
100 Years of Breed “Improvement”
Are you positive? Ask your dog.
Book Trailer “Chaser” by John W. Pilley
What the Dog Knows
Home Patricia McConnell, one of my favorite dog authors ever, on my dog book, out tomorrow. #dogs #canine Leap of joy! — Cat Warren (@Cat_Warren) September 30, 2013 Review of What the Dog Knows, editor Claudia Kawczynska, @The_Bark magazine. "enthralling and engaging." — Cat Warren (@Cat_Warren) September 26, 2013