Had a lovely walk with the dogs! This was our view 🙂
Princess Purdy
Newborn Puppies
A Little Lullaby
Training young Puppies
Our puppies Molly, Purdy, Milo & Panda performing some very basic tricks. They are only seven weeks old here. Panda and Milo are already living with their new owners now, Molly and Purdy are going to stay with us 🙂
Cell Reverse Paralysis in Dogs
Jasper: The Paralysed Dog that is walking again : Four years after losing the use of his back legs, dachshund Jasper is able to walk again after taking part in a medical trial. Cambridge University scientists reversed his paralysis by injecting him with cells grown from the lining of his nose. Article in Volkskrant Article…
Seminar Animal Emotions
I’m very proud to be one of the speakers at this seminar: http://www.animalconcepts.eu/styled-4/styled-12/styled/index.html